Past the Age of Braces? Straighten your Teeth with Invisalign

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You paid for you kid’s braces, now it’s time to invest in yourself and increase your confidence. You are never “too old” to straighten your teeth.

It is common in today’s society for adults to be unhappy with their crooked smiles and simply assume that they are past the age to straighten their teeth. This is a common misconception among adults; you are never too old to care for your smile. Metal braces have gone out the window with their social stigmas and conspicuous appearance. You can now straighten your teeth with virtually no one knowing or caring! Visit your premier provider of Invisalign today to schedule a complimentary cosmetic consultation.


Straightening your teeth as an adult

Despite the stigma of straightening your teeth as an adult, correcting those crooked teeth is important, not just from an aesthetic perspective, but also for your oral health. Crooked teeth can make it difficult to properly clean your teeth, in turn expediting tooth decay. So go ahead, straighten your teeth no matter what your age may be! There are multiple ways to straighten your teeth under the radar, but the most popular and arguably affective route is by straightening your teeth with Invisalign

Invisalign Advantages

Dentistry For Madison wants to share with you the great number of advantages of Invisalign® treatment. Some of the benefits include:

  • Practically invisible – Invisalign® allows you to improve the aesthetics of your smile without drawing attention to a mouthful of metal. Because traditional braces are often associated with adolescence, the transparency of Invisalign® is especially appealing to adults.
  • Entirely removable – It is advised that Invisalign® be worn for 20 to 22 hours a day, but because of the aligners can easily be taken in and out, eating, brushing your teeth, and flossing will be just as easy as they were before treatment.
  • Pain-free – Traditional braces are known to cause damage to your gums and lips, as the wires can poke, cut, and irritate your mouth. The smooth plastic Invisalign® trays are easy on the soft tissues of your mouth.
  • Unrestricted diet – Metal braces can be damaged by foods such as crunchy fruits and vegetables, chewy candies, and hard crusts. Because you can remove Invisalign® for mealtime, you can eat whatever you want without worry.

Is Invisalign right for you?

Although Invisalign has many advantages over traditional braces, it isn’t right for everyone. First off, invisalign is not available for children, solely teenagers and adults. Second, it has potential be more expensive than traditional braces, but for many teenagers and adults, the benefits are worth the cost. Fortunately, many dental insurance plans cover Invisalign the same way they cover regular braces. But of course, always be sure to check with the insurance company first to make sure.

Invisalign can’t correct all difficult cases. However, you might be surprised by how many oral issues can be treated and resolved by Invisalign. If you have crooked teeth, an underbite or an overbite, a crossbite, gapped teeth, or overly crowded teeth, then Invisalign can help.

Next Step

Give us a call at Dentistry for Madison to schedule your complimentary Invisalign consultation or visit Invisalign’s treatment center to see what Invisalign can do for you.

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